Thursday, February 17, 2011

Twooo Luv (is what bwings us toogetha today)

When the time was getting close for their second Christmas together, Mom and Dad had no money.  They had the cutest little boy who was 14 months old, but no money.  They decided that they could spend $7 on each other because that was all they had.  Mom bought Dad a motorcycle poster and as usual, she went over budget (Mom wants me to say that the only reason she went over budget was that she and Grandpa Ken (her Dad) spent hours working on the frame and needed a lot of supplies). Dad bought Mom a wallet and the picture below. This picture is significant, not only because it summarizes their entire marriage, but because this picture has hung in every house we have lived in.  As kids, we saw this picture all the time but had no idea that it held any significance. It wasn’t until years later that Mom told us about it. It has always been very special to her.  I have never thought it was a great picture (sorry Dad), but I realized that what it represents to the two of them is priceless.


  1. What a great memory for all of you and especially for Gary and Raynee. I think the picture is priceless and, of course, the memories it invokes are even more priceless. We love you - Gayle & Fred
