Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Evening Update

Dad had a great day today!

Brandi was kind enough to spend the day with Mom and Dad.  She helped Dad do some walking and helped Mom with a store run and a bank run.  Thank you Brandi!!

We are not sure what happened but Dad had a ton of energy today.  He went outside a few times and walked around the house quite a bit.  I arrived about 4:00 and was talking to Dad when all of a sudden he said, “I want to go for a walk.”  Usually this means around the house…not this time and he headed for the front door. He then said he wanted to go outside which we did. Then down the stairs, then down the driveway, then along the sidewalk and up the other side of the driveway.  When he returned to the front porch he walked up the stairs and into the house.  I was in shock!  This was the most he has done in a long time.

Today his Bishop came by and visited which seemed to raise Mom’s spirits. We also had Courtney and Ashley (Dad’s nieces) come for a short visit – they even brought dad some roses.  When they were ready to leave Dad stood up and told me he wanted to walk them to the door.  He is always the consummate gentleman.  One of Dad’s former Bishops and good friend came over to give Mom and Dad a present (see pic below).  His daughter Britta had painted a picture of the two of them when they were in charge of the Stake Trek a few years ago.  It was amazing!!  Britta, we are all very impressed!

This evening we were visited by the doctor who works for hospice.  She was a doctor who had been spoken of highly and we really liked her.  She said her goal is to help Dad and all of us be comfortable.  Again, Dad insisted on walking her to the door.

Grandma Betty flew into town tonight and Kirk brought her to the house.  It was great to see her.  She walked in, knelt by Dad, grabbed his hand, and said, “I just need to touch you.”  Sometimes we get caught up in our own world and forget all the people who are hurting with this…a mother, a father, a wife, children, grandchildren, a brother, a sister, a brother-in-law, a sister-in-law, and the list goes on.  Dad asked Grandma to say the prayer on dinner.  In the prayer she asked that we would all be comforted through this and be able to see the positive.  So far we have and I truly hope it continues.

Dad and Teague
Where did all this energy come from??

Brandi, Dad, Dawson, and Braydan
30 minutes after this picture Dawson and Braydan got their hair chopped off!

Grandma Betty, Dad, Mom, and Kirk

The picture Britta drew of Mom and Dad
This picture is a little dark but the painting is really amazing!
Thanks Britta!!!

Dad, Mom, Matt, and Jessica (Dad's niece and nephew)
They visted last week

1 comment:

  1. It looks like Mom traveled well. We miss her already.

