Friday, February 4, 2011

Evening Update...from Kentucky!

We arrived to Paducah, Kentucky in style!  We are so sad that at the last minute Kirk was not able to come with us.  With his new business he is swamped.  While we understand and support him not coming, we love him and will miss him!  Mom promised him that everything we did would be in his honor.  In fact, Tim just said that he is eating dessert in Kirk’s honor.

The plane was absolutely perfect and the weather was great.  We were a little concerned when we looked in the cockpit and saw our co-pilot (Cory) dead asleep (see picture below).  The plane cruised at about 320 miles per hour and it took us 4 hours.  Tim (Dad’s brother) picked us up at the airport and we are currently eating a great dinner that Barbara (Tim’s wife) and Grandma made.

Dad did great on the plane.  He loved listening on the headset to Cory talking to the tower.  Dad said that he was so excited to see his Mom that it was like he was a kid going to Disneyland.  We are all surprised that he is still wide awake.  We are all excited to see Grandpa tomorrow.

Before we left in front of the plane
Stan (pilot), Chris, Cory, Teague, Alicia, Mom, and Dad

Teague, Alicia, and Dad in the plane

Chris and Mom

Dad and Tim in Paducah

Our fearless co-pilot Cory safely flying us to our destination
(sweet dreams Cory!!)

All of us at Tim's house
Mom, Chris, Dad, Grandma, Teague, Barbara, Tim, Cory, and Alicia


  1. Glad you got there safely. Love you all so very much. Take gentle care of yourselves and each other!


  2. February 5,2011 10:15 AM

    Don't faint when you see this. As this is from the Sister.

    My heart is so full of many, many personal and private thoughts and feelings. No words can begin to express these to the fullest extent. This is why I don't always participate in writing or sharing my inner feelings. I hope all will understand.
    But I had to let Cory know how awesome he is in making this trip happen!! It's so wonderful for my Bro to be able to see and spend some time with our Mom, our Dad and with my other Bro Tim, Barbara and their family. It was meant to be.

    ***However the most important reason for my writing this, is to make sure everyone notices Gary's hat. From day one I thought he is one of few men that is able to wear this. He is so good looking and yes I do use the word "cute". These hats are only made to be worn by dapper, handsome and the classiest "GQ" kind of guy. Gary, You fit be bill!! So enjoy!

    I love you all so very much and hope for a safe trip back home.

