Sunday, February 13, 2011

Morning Update...

Good morning!

We are so lucky to have another gorgeous morning. Dad is already sitting out with me in the back living room and we're looking at this beautiful world we live in.

Last night was a little more eventful, maybe my mom isn't dipping into the pills after all. Dad was up a few different times due to pain. His ability to walk and communicate was not good. His legs buckled many times and it was a lot more difficult for Mom and I to help him to the bathroom and back. Getting him in bed the second time was probably the hardest yet.

Dad woke up pretty early for another restroom trip and then we brought him right out to the living room. I read him and Mom some of the blog posts and then we spent a while looking at all of the pictures from yesterday's events.

While we were looking at the pictures, we joked about the picture where my Mom is in front of the boys with her arms out. That is what we call a Lee Wheelock pose. My parents have a very special group of people that you've heard us talk about before, "The Dinner Group". Well once a year this group heads up to the Ivin's cabin and they have the best couple of days with each other. Every year they take a picture and Lee Wheelock was ALWAYS posed the same way that my Mom was in the boys picture. Lee passed away a few years back and we LOVE his family sooooo very much. That picture was for you Marnee, Holly and Kevin!

While looking at the pictures, all of a sudden Dad pushed his foot rest away and started to get up. I quickly asked "Dad, where are you going?" He responded "I need to get a picture, I'll be right back". Mom and I laughed and I helped him up and said "let me walk with you...". We walked and he was moving a little better than he did last night. We walked for a bit and I asked where he wanted to go and he stopped up towards the front hall way. I looked at him, he made eye contact and then turned his head and nodded toward a picture frame. I looked at the frame on the wall and low and behold, there were 3 pictures of "The Dinner Group". The Ivins, the Monsons, my parents and the Wheelocks were in all three pictures and the one at the bottom was with Lee kneeling in front with his arms wide open. What a beautiful group of people. Thanks you guys for all of your love and support, we all love you so much!!!

Dad is now trying to eat a little, but isn't doing real well. I just talked to my beautiful wife who kept all of the grand kids under 12 at our house last night. Since I stayed here, she didn't have any help, but just like my sweet Brandi, she said everyone did great. She told me fun little stories about each of my brothers cute kids. I am so lucky to have this woman!!!!

Mom is worried about if we will able to get Dad to Zac's Court of Honor, but we are going to give it our best shot. We need to have him rest a lot more today since his yesterday was so eventful. Dad says "we'll take things step by step and see how things evolve...". He has says that often...



  1. I just want you all to know how incredibly grateful I am to be part of this amazing family!! I have always valued the times we share and admired the loyalty and love you have for one another. Lately that admiration is at an all time high!!

    I am soo sorry for what you are all going through. It is so very hard to understand, yet accept. We all have different levels of emotions at different times. It is truly amazing and inspirational to see the bond you have always had grow even stronger and tighter through this difficult time. You have shown such tremendous support and love for eachother..

    It is amazing to see Gary show his dedication, commintment and love to everyone even while he is in such pain. The memories that have been created through this journey are wonderful and priceless! This blog proves the trememdous amount of people who love and care about each of you. It is so wonderful to ready the many many lives you have touch through your example. My boys and I love you all soo much. Thank you for being the beautiful people you are!
    Brandi and boys

  2. I just wanted to let Gary know what an amazing family he has, while I'm sure he already knows this. I've been following the blog almost since it started and the amount of love that exists in your family is inspiring. I know that this is a very hard time for your family. You (Gary) and your family are in my prayers. I also swam in the swim meet at BYU and am happy to hear that you enjoyed the backstroke (while I didn't get first like Britt, that's my event). I'm not entirely sure what I'm trying to say through this comment other than that you and your family are truly amazing and that I'm thinking about and praying for you and your loved ones.
    Seth Wynn

  3. We just wanted you all to know that we love Gary and Raynee. We remember them nightly in our prayers. We laugh and cry when we read the blog. Last night Alan was so quiet and in deep thought. I asked him what he was thinking about and he said cancer. He asked me , How does it spread so fast. I know he was thinking of Gary and Raynee and all they are going through right now. You have an incredible family with great support. What would life be without our family. It is obvious of their love for you and you them. Please know that we love you as does our Father in Heaven.
    Love, Carol and Alan

  4. Moffatt Memory #2:

    My last post was about Santa Gary and Mrs. Raynee Claus. This one is about the Pioneer Bengtzen on the Salt Lake Highland Pioneer Handcart Trek in 2006.

    As many of you know G & R were a major force for making this huge event come off so well. There are probably a zillion stories from people more "in the know", but this was my first major exposure to the stake, and seeing G & R operate was a sight!

    I don't think I saw Gary without a smile on his face the whole time, from the planning to the night before, to the morning of (remember waiting for the buses?), to the days out on the trail. Knowing what I know now about the magnitude of the event, I marvel at how calm and collected he was. And Raynee was right there too, moving the work along with the force that only she can muster.

    We had been warned about the dangers of trek: blisters and not drinking enough. So here was Raynee, guns blazing, admonishing all of us on our pre-check and throughout the trek, to "Hydrate!!" She must of said "Hydrate!!" more than a few hundred times. It was a constant reminder of the need for water, and, we learned on trek, of the need for the living water of the gospel. I imagine that both kinds of hydration have taken on deeper meanings these last few weeks.

    Joanne and I both feel blessed to know the Bengtzens. Its like this: some people you grow up with and somewhere along the way you realize its likely you spent a good deal of time with them in the premortal world. Other people you meet and you feel an instant connection: you've never met them in mortality, but hugging them feels like it was yesterday in a heavenly mansion.

    To us, Gary and Raynee are in that second group -- on the first few meetings getting ready for trek we felt like we were treated with the dignity and loving bonds as if we were old friends. And, I suppose because of the gospel reach, we always will be.

    Stuart and Joanne.

    P.S. We have kept you and and your family in our prayers daily. When its the kids turn to pray, they don't forget you either.

  5. Steve and Christine KnudsonFebruary 13, 2011 at 4:52 PM

    Hey Gang!. I did not know how to do pics on this blog, so I had to do it the old fashion way with email...ha, old fashion, nothin. Anyway, check Gary's gmail account to see some chuckling photo's from the real old fashion years. Yea, before Al Gore discovered the internet. We love you all!
    Steve and Christine Knudson

  6. Hey Gary, Raynee & family -
    I just wanted to tell all of you hello and I think I like hat #2 the best. Wearing red at BYU - and looking good - is a triumph only few can achieve - congratulations!
    Gary, I hope you are able to sleep better tonight and have a great day tomorrow. Take care.

  7. Gary and Raynae! Just found out. I have spent the evening reading all the blog posts and getting caught up on things. I am so sorry this horrible event has come into your lives. But I have been so impressed with your wonderful family and the strength you all have. You are all so strong in your foundation of the gospel. I truly appreciate the examples you are to all those around you and to those who read this blog. Gary thank you for the example you have been to me. I look up to and admire you in all you do, even in fighting this awful disease. I would expect nothing less then a smile on your face and a positive attitude. That is just Gary. I hope to be able to live my life in such a way then when my time comes that I am OK with going to meet my Heavenly Father because I have lived in a way that I can stand before Him with "no regrets". Gary thank you for that example. I have been thinking about the two of you lately and thinking that T.J. and I needed to stop by. We will have to soon. I love you both so much. You both are such an inspiration to all.


  8. Gary and Raynae (and Teague)

    I just wanted to drop a note to again thank you for all you guys have done for me and the old RMP Family. I sure do miss the old days seeing Raynae in the front office with her sweet and cheery persona. I miss working for you Gary (and Teague) and will always appreciate your genuine concern for so many of your employees, their families and your customers. I will forever appreciate the example, friendship and leadership shown by you. Thank you so much for all you have done for me over the years. You are in my Thoughts and Prayers always. May the Lord bless you and comfort you daily in your trials.

    Much Love,

    Eric N
