Friday, January 21, 2011

Morning Update

Dad had an OK night last night.  He was up two different times taking pain meds.  We need to get the pain patch figured out better because I think it can really help once we know how his body reacts to it.  He does seem to be in good spirits!

Mom slept through the night and seems to have knocked her cold.  She is back to her normal funny/feisty self!

Today we have his "Nadir" appointment.  Nadir means the low point in a medical condition.  Today begins his lowest value of his blood count since his chemo.  This is the time when they need to watch him the most and the time when he is most susceptible to sickness.  We are also hoping for a few more answers from the doctors while there.

I hope everyone saw Jen’s post about fasting for Dad this Sunday.  I am humbled to think that there is the potential of people from many different countries fasting for this amazing man.


  1. A "nadir" appointment sounds like he's going to India or something. Better wear a nehru jacket! Makes me think of Ghandi - which makes me think of fasting! Of course we will fast with purpose on Sunday for the Bengtzen family! Love you guys. Hope your trip to India is fruitful. -Lisa Morrise

  2. Count my family in for the fast! We will continue to pray for a miracle. Hang in there! Love, Ashley (Earl's daughter)

  3. Our family will fast for Gary as well. We know all too well what the support from others through prayer and fasting can bring. Peace, comfort, relief; whatever the Lord sees fit. Keep up the fight!!!
    -Amanda Dorius Hatch

  4. Wouldn't miss the opportunity. Count us in!

  5. It would be an honor to join in a fast for your dad and family. Praying for a miracle!! (And some much needed sleep for the entire family - we know all too well the sleepless nights for everyone involved.) We love you and your family.

  6. Connolly's will be fasting as well. We love you both and are praying for the miracle. Love you both, Dean and Joan
