Monday, January 17, 2011

Afternoon Update

I took Mom and Dad to a "Symptoms Medicine" doctor.  We were not sure why we were going, but after last night they told us we needed to see him.

It was a great experience!  He listened to everything we told him and he asked a ton of questions.  Apparently this doctor looks at the entire picture and then changes medications to meet the individual needs of the patient.  He asked questions about Dad's medical history, how long he and Mom had been married, where the kids lived and how well they got along, and a bunch of other questions.

After asking all the questions and taking notes, he sat and quietly sang to himself as he soaked it all in.  He then said, "OK, here is what we are going to do." He then wrote 5 more prescriptions and gave us good notes to know what they are for and how to use them.  He switched Dad to the pain patch instead of the oral medication (Dad is in a TON of pain today because he is not keeping them down).  He also gave us new medications to treat the nausea and one medication to give him some energy and increase his appetite (he has lost another 4 pounds since Thursday).

When we arrived home from the doctors Dad was in a lot of pain.  We gave him something small to eat but after a few minutes the nausea became very bad.  He went to bed and is trying to sleep as I type.

Mom and I feel very good about going the patch route and I am off to the pharmacy right now to get it.


  1. the patch sounds like a good idea. we want to visit but it sounds like he is not up to it and we have had sick we don't want to bring that as well...but know that we love all of you and are praying for all of you....

  2. Dear Bengtzens:

    I feel so sorry to hear that you are still in a lot of pain... by the other side, it is great to read how many people love you and care about your beautiful family. It is not hard to believe it because you are GREAT people.

    I hope I could be closer to be able to help.

    As many people has wrote, you are in our thougts and prayers everyday.

    We love you and hope our Heavenly Father gives you the strength and peace you need.

    Sister Bengtzen, Elder Bengtzen is so lucky to have you!!! and viceversa. You are such a great example as a couple.

    Love you!!!

    Angie Garrido

  3. Gary & Raynee,

    I wanted to tell you the story behind the gift we dropped off for you this evening. ( I didn't get the chance while we were there and I'll forget if I don't write it down! )

    My mom and I were painting valentines decorations this morning, and Dallin joined us. He looked at the letters we were painting and he knew the Letter "L" and that the "O" shape was a heart. I told him the word spelled "love" and he said that was really really cool. Raynee it is thanks to you that he knows the letter "L"! I asked him if he would like to paint these letters for Sister Raynee and Gary to show them we love them. He exclaimed "Sister Raynee said we can paint that!" The whole time we were painting he kept telling me how Sister Raynee would put the glitter on a certian way or that Sister Raynee would love the color pink! Thanks for being such the great Preschool teacher you are! Even though Dallin has a crush on Miss Jenny, he loves you too!

    I know how much love you have for each other, your family and for everyone around you. I want you to know that you are equally loved!

    You were looking good Gary when we saw you for a brief moment this evening! I hope this new medication helps you feel better!

    Heather Johnson

  4. Dear Gary and Raynee,

    The hearts of the Meeker family go out to you tonight. Erin and I were overcome when we heard the news, and you've been in our thoughts and prayers ever since.

    I was asked to speak in church this last Sunday about the lessons I've learned from my patients and their families on the role of suffering in this life. It was a difficult talk to give, and made even more so by your situation being ever present in my thoughts. I'd like to share with you, however, that as I thought of your challenge during my preparation, there was a calming spirit of peace present. I pray that you might feel that as well during this difficult time.

    I'm not sure if it's 'cool' to be friends with such 'old' folks :) but I want you to know how fondly Erin and I think of you both. We love you dearly and are so grateful for the influence you've had in our lives and especially in the lives of our children. I know you know this, but they love you like their own Grandparents.

    We also respect you both well beyond any good descriptive words I can think of right now. It is no exaggeration to say that we aspire to be like you.

    We will be following this blog closely, and know that we will find miracles reported here. They will certainly be present in your lives if you watch for them. God cannot deny the request of so many faithful prayers.

    Please let us know if we can ever be of use, especially if my professional expertise might be handy. Unfortunately you are a year or two older than my typical patient :) but I might still be of use.

    With profound love and respect,
    Nate and Erin Meeker
