Friday, January 14, 2011

I thought it would be fun to occasionally post some funny pics about Dad.  These are pictures of his 60th surprise party.  We had a life size cutout made of Dad and then bought one of Marilyn Monroe.  Everyone who came to the party could pose between Dad and Marilyn for pictures.   The top picture is Dad's parents Bob and Betty posing between the two. The bottom picture is the grandkids at the party (left to right - Caitlin, Zak, Brittani, Nathan, Tyson, and Braydan).

The really funny thing about the cut out of Dad was that it ended up at Rocky Mountain Printing.  For several weeks it was put it in places to scare people.  I remember one day at work I heard what sounded like a woman's scream,  I hurried to see what happened.  It was a male employee, who shall remain nameless, was walking into the bathroom and turned on the light to see the cutout of Gary just inches in front of him.  It scared him so badly that he fell backwards and screamed. 

I am not sure whatever happened to it.  I do know that Kirk quickly stated first dibbs on the Marilyn cutout.  I am not sure what he did with it.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha I remember when i went down stairs to grab something for Grandma one night and I walked into the storage room and saw someone out of the corner of my eye. I screamed and freaked out only to realize that it was a cut out of Grandpa. It was soo funny!!

    Grandpa: I am so proud of you!! You have always been my hero and I am so glad that you are my grandpa. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Always know that I am always here for you. We are all praying for you!

    I love you!!
    Caitlin Bengtzen
