Thursday, January 27, 2011

Afternoon Update

Mom slept well again (Yeah!) but Dad had another night where he was up a few times in pain. One of the blessings through this is the nausea is under control.  Dad said at the beginning that he can handle pain but hates nausea!

I met Mom and Dad at the doctor’s office at 9:30.  Dad’s doctor is part of The Utah Cancer Specialists.  Everyone there treats Mom and Dad so well and seems genuinely interested in how Dad is feeling.  We have been worried because Dad is still taking a lot of medication to control his pain.  We had been told that he would probably have one bad week after chemo and then two good weeks.  We are still waiting for the good week.  :)

I really like this doctor. He listened to our concerns and put us at ease saying that everything we described was what he would expect in a case such as Dad’s.  He said with the cancer present in Dad’s bones, he would not expect to see a decrease in pain after a few rounds of chemo.  We felt much better after hearing that.  One concern the doctor had was that Dad has lost another 7 pounds.  He jokingly said he was prescribing a Jamba Juice everyday to help him gain weight.

The doctor did remind us that with every chemo treatment, the patient gets weaker.  I remember when Mom was going through her chemo, she started out very healthy but by the end she was pretty weak.  I am worried because Dad has gone into the treatments weak.  The great thing is that Mom and Dad’s attitude is very positive!

Dad really appreciates all the comments that people make on this blog! There have been so many kind things said that have lifted our spirits more than we can express.

Please, please don’t hesitate to make a comment to Dad.  You can wish him well, share a funny experience, or offer encouragement.


  1. Lots of prayers are being offered in our house for you Gary. Our 2 year old was saying family prayer the other night and said "what's that man's name" and before we could tell her she said "oh yea Gary. Please bless Gary".

  2. "If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other choice is there but to HOPE? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or fight like hell." ~Lance Armstrong

    Thinking of you Gary and all the Bengtzen family. You are an amazing family and we share with you in your HOPE and pray that you will all be provided with extra ginourmous doses of strength right now.

    With much love to you all,
    Lisa McFadden
