Saturday, January 22, 2011

1/22/11 Morning Update

Dad had a good night - 12 hours of continual sleep, he was up at 2 and at 5am for pain meds but right back to bed and he slept after that!
The goals today are, 45 minutes of walking, 8 glasses of water, and lots to eat!
come on pops you are my hero!
you can do it!
love you all

1 comment:

  1. Dear Gary, Raynee and Family,
    We have been following your blog since Mom (Elaine Fitzsimmons) told us about it last week. I keep Mom posted every other day since she does not have a computer, and we enjoy reading about your progress and updates. Please know you are all in our thoughts and prayers, and we are cheering for you Gary. You have a remarkable family, but I am sure you and Raynee know that ;-) Keep up the fight and "kick some serious Butt" on that Cancer!! Take Care all.

    Tami and Pete Harlow; Elaine Fitzsimmons
